Download Wi-Fi Linux/Android driver
For downloading of HDG200 driver, please read
The driver is split into a binary part and a source part. The binary part is a kernel-version and kernel-configuration independent kernel-space library which also holds the device firmware. The source part is basically the implementation of the adaptation layers interfacing the SDIO stack, the TCP/IP stack and the wireless extensions. This code is dependent on kernel version and configuration, so it must be compiled for a particular kernel.
Currently, the included library has been compiled for ARM architectures only. In version 1.0.6 and later, the library has been compiled with the
CodeSourcery GNU EABI toolchain 2011.03-42. The toolchain can be downloaded here:
The library and source files comes with a Makefile to create a linux kernel module, owl.ko.
The driver also support Android extensions.
List of added features and bug fixes for each release.
1.0.7 (r4103)
- Fix compilation error on kernel 2.6.35
- Fix driver crash that could occur if card is removed from SD-slot during firmware download.
- Fix issue with MAC address reporting which could occur If the device was hot-swapped without unloading the driver, then MAC address of the first device was always used.
- Add support to connect to WPA/WPA2 protected networks with hidden SSID.
1.0.6 (r3018)
- Add support for kernel version 2.6.39
- Add support for Soft AP mode (EXPERIMENTAL)
- Support for Android
1.0.5 (r2292)
- Add support for kernel versions 2.6.23+
1.0.4 (r1583)
Topic revision: r24 - 2014-01-19 - 22:16:25 -