Welcome to linux.hd-wireless.se
The purpose of this Wiki is to describe how to use the H&D Wireless Linux-based RF modules/products, both from a hardware and a software perspective. The site also publish what software to use for a specific product. There are several different product offerings that supports different features and are suitable for different type of end user products. For an overview of each product please have a look at H&D Wireless product catalog at www.hd-wireless.se/. For a more detailed description of each product review the product brief or the datasheet. Datasheets are subject to NDA. Product briefs can be found under each documentation sector for each product on this site.
Linux drivers for all RF modules are available in source code. Depending on the solution there might be software binary drivers available for specific platforms. What platforms might vary between products. Normally the evaluation board is a SD-card that can be used by a Linux PC (if the PC has a SD-card slot) or a Linux embedded platform.
Topic revision: r5 - 2017-03-29 - 13:59:28 -