Build and Run for XMEGA host

The XPLAIN boards are evaluation platforms for the ATMEL XMEGA CPU.

Hardware setup

The SPB800/SPB820 (actually SPB800E in the case of SPB800) should be attached directly to PORT J1 of the XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board. A USB cable should be used to power the XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board. A serial shell is provided by the reference design software, this shell is available on PORT J3 on the XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED (it might be necessary to create a custom cable in order to connect this UART to a PC).

NOTE: The 1.2.2 release and earlier should be uesd on the older XPLAIN board. In this case the SPB800 should be attached to PORT D of the XPLAIN board. A USB cable should be used to connect the XPLAIN board to a PC to use the serial console provided by the reference design software.

Pre-compiled binaries

File Version Description
pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r8305.hex: 2.0.2 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED 2.0.2
pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r8267.hex 2.0.1 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED 2.0.1


1.3.2 r5073

oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED 1.3.2


1.3.1 r4172

oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED 1.3.1


1.3.0 r3932 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED 1.3.0
pclient-xplain-r2844.hex 1.2.2 r2844 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for Xplain 1.2.2
pclient-xplain-r2238.hex 1.1.3 r2238 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for Xplain 1.1.3
pclient-xplain-r2159.hex 1.0.0 r2159 oWL Pico API Reference Design Binary for Xplain 1.0.0


In order to build the oWL Pico API reference design for the ATMEL XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board, the following software is required:

  • asf-2.10.0 (SPB800)
  • asf-3.3.0 (SPB820)
  • avr-gcc
To flash the binary onto the Xplain board, the following are required:
  • a programming tool, e.g. avrdude
  • a programmer, e.g. AVR dragon
To compile for Xplain, asf-2.10.0 from atmel must first be extracted.

Run the following commands to build the reference design software:

$ cd owl_pico-r2033/build/xmega
$ make AVR_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/path/to/asf-2.10.0

Note that /path/to should be replaced by the actual location where asf-2.10.0 (or asf-3.3.0 for SPB820) was extracted.

The binary "pclient.hex" will be produced which can now be flashed onto the XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board. If avrdude and AVR dragon is used, the following commands can be used:

$ avrdude -p x128a1 -c dragon_jtag -P usb -U flash:w:pclient.hex

NOTE: Software release 1.2.2 and earlier are tested with asf 2.0.0, the following commands should be used to build those releases:

$ cd owl_pico-r2033/build/xmega
$ make AVR8_FRAMEWORK=/path/to/asf-2.0.0/xmega


The application will start when the XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board is powered up. The XMEGA_A1_XPLAINED board will provide a serial console through its UART port. Connect the PC to the UART (a custom cable might be needed for this) and start a terminal on the PC with 115200 8N1 to access the console.

Note that no software component is run on the PC; the PC is only used to enter commands to the XPLAIN board through its serial port.

Also note that for release 1.2.2 and earlier, the serial console is available through the USB interface on the XPLAIN board (no custom cable required to connect to a PC) and the baudrate is 9600.

Control from Android App

The XPLAIN with the reference design (1.2.2) can also be controlled directly from an Android App. The app can be downloaded here: HDXplain.apk

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatapk HDXplain.apk manage 575.6 K 2012-02-27 - 09:53 AndersGrahn Android App to control the XPLAIN reference design.
Unknown file formathex pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r3932.hex manage 140.9 K 2012-05-16 - 12:32 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r4172.hex manage 146.4 K 2012-07-12 - 11:41 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r5073.hex manage 142.6 K 2012-12-19 - 09:31 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r8267.hex manage 143.0 K 2014-02-03 - 13:09 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xmega_a1_xplained-r8305.hex manage 143.0 K 2014-02-04 - 15:41 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xplain-r2159.hex manage 104.2 K 2011-02-04 - 11:38 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xplain-r2238.hex manage 117.5 K 2011-02-04 - 11:38 AndersGrahn  
Unknown file formathex pclient-xplain-r2844.hex manage 124.0 K 2011-08-30 - 08:22 AndersGrahn  
Topic revision: r16 - 2015-08-26 - 13:13:16 - AndersGrahn
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