PClient Reference Design
In pico mode, the SPB820 device is controlled by a host through a serial connection. The host is typically an embedded platform where Wi-Fi and network functionality should be added through the SPB820 and the oWL Pico API.
Included in the release is a reference design application which uses the oWL Pico API. The reference design provides the following functions:
- an interactive shell where the various functions of oWL Pico API can be invoked, this function is described in Commands
- a simple HTTP server implementation built on top of the oWL Pico API, this function is described in HTTPServer
- a NTP client implementation built on top of the oWL Pico API, this function is described in NTPClient
- a ICMP ping implementation built on top of the oWL Pico API, this function is described in PingCommand
- a TTCP client and server implementation built on top of the oWL Pico API, this function is described in TTCP Client/Server
The reference design can be used to evalute the oWL Pico API and can also be used as a starting point for custom projects.
The reference design can be compiled for various platforms, see
Platforms. Both source and binaries are provided, see
DownloadSources for sources and
Platforms for binaries.
Topic revision: r1 - 2015-08-27 - 07:56:22 -