PClient reference design ICMP ping

The pclient reference design implements the ICMP protocol to provide a simple ping implementation. The ICMP protocol is implemented on top of the RAW sockets supported by the oWL Pico API.

This example will show how to send an ICMP echo request to a remote host and print any replies.

First establish the link and set the IP address as described in Commands:

$ linkup hdwireless
ok 0 (success)
link_cb: link:1
$ set_dhcp 1
addr_cb ip:

Now use the ping command to send an ICMP echo request to a PC which is connected to the same network:

$ ping
ok 0 (success)
60 bytes from icmp_seq=0
60 bytes from icmp_seq=1
60 bytes from icmp_seq=2
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received

For information on the implementation of the ICMP ping command, see the source code in the files wlp_ping.c and wlp_ping.h of the reference design.

Topic revision: r1 - 2011-02-04 - 12:28:04 - AndersGrahn

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