Build and Run for STM324xg-Eval host
Hardware setup
Note that the STM324xg-Eval board uses the H&D Wireless SPB205 Wifi device.
Using a SD to SD-Micro converter, connect the SPB205 to the STM324xg-eval SD-slot.
To evaluate the SPB205, shell commands is available on the STM324xg-eval board UART.
A PC with USB port can be connected to the STM32-board.
STM324xg-eval shares pins between the UART port and the SD-card so the UART port can not be used.
The reference design remaps this pins to the CN2 pin header located on the STM324xg-eval board with the following pinout:
Pin33: Host Uart Tx
Pin32: Host Uart Rx
Pin30: GND
A UART to USB converter must be used between the board and the host PC.
Build and program
In order to build and program the STM32xg-eval board this is needed:
Linux PC
STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0 (included in pico_framework).
installed arm-none-eabi-gcc (gnu arm-2012.03)
installed openocd
Connect the ST JTAG to to stm324xg-eval board.
Run the following commands to build and program the reference design for STM324xg-eval:
$ cd pico_client-r<rev>/trunk/platform/stm32/apps/pico_client
$ make FRAMEWORK_PATH=/path/to/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0 program
To interact with the reference design application:
1. Connect the SPB205 to the SD-converter and the converter to STM324xg-eval.
2. Connect the USB to UART converter to the CN2 pin header on the STM324xg-eval.
3. Connect the USB to UART converter to the PC USB port.
4. Open up your prefered terminal program (e.g. in windows "terraterm" or in Linux "Minicom").
5. Setup the terminal for serial connection, the USB port used, baudrate 115200, 1 stopbit and 8 databits.
6. Reset the STM324xg-eval board.
7. Press ENTER.
8. A "$" will appear in the terminal window.
The user can then use the cmd "init" to start the wifi:
$ init
The device is now ready to accept shell commands as described in
Pre-compiled binaries